While it is important to ensure that the interior of your office is functional and aesthetically pleasing, maintaining your office building’s façade is just as essential. It is your building’s face to the world after all, and it can significantly impact how both potential and existing customers perceive you.

A neat façade can help you make a good impression on them. It makes you look professional, credible, and welcoming.

Conversely, a poorly maintained and neglected façade can negatively impact your business’ reputation and drive away potential customers—and even your own employees! Additionally, this can also bring down your estate value.

As buildings are exposed to different substances and pollutants every day, it’s important to have yours undergo regular facade cleaning. Before you start calling rope access technicians, though, you should first understand that different types of façades require different methods of cleaning. 

For example, glass facades are prone to scratches caused by grime etching into the glass, so removing dirt regularly is important. Stone claddings, on the other hand, are considerably easier to maintain because they are resistant to moisture, insects, and extreme temperatures. Wood facades, on the other hand, are often attacked by termites. Regular maintenance is also essential to keeping them in good condition.

Now that you have a background on the different types of façades, here are the most common building facade cleaning methods:

Water-Based Methods

Using water to clean your building’s facade is as non-invasive as it gets. There are three water-based methods  you can consider:

  • Pressure washing
  • Soaking
  • Steam washing

The most commonly used water treatment is pressure washing, wherein the surface of the building is sprayed with a low to medium-pressure water spray. The pressure starts low and is increased as necessary to remove the buildup of dirt and grime. A natural or synthetic bristle brush is sometimes used for stubborn areas. Non-ionic detergents may also be added to the water to remove oil-based dirt.

Soaking is another water-based method wherein the surface—especially areas that are not exposed to rain—is lightly sprayed over with water for several days. This is done to loosen stubborn soot and crusts. Because of its relatively gentler nature compared to other treatments, soaking is ideal for historic masonry.

Lastly, steam cleaning involves the use of hot water in high pressures to effectively remove any accumulated soil deposits and plants. It is not commonly used, but it is a great alternative for cleaning stone that is sensitive to chemical cleaning products.

Chemical Cleaning

Compared to the water-based methods mentioned above, chemical cleaners are more effective for removing dirt as well as paint, coatings, and metallic stains. There are two types of chemical cleaners:

  • Acid-based cleaners – Suitable for cleaning unglazed brick and terra-cotta as well as concrete and granite.
  • Alkaline cleaners – Suitable for cleaning limestone, marble, and chalky sandstones.

These chemical cleaners are applied on a wet surface and left to sit for some time. Once the stains are removed, they are rinsed off with water.


Maintaining the exterior façade of your office building helps you establish a good image for your business, ensure smooth and efficient operations, and prevent the rapid deterioration of your structure. Considering this, it’s essential that you take time to care for your building and connect with facade cleaning companies with the expertise and the best practices.

Looking for skilled facade maintenance and repairs in Australia? Give us a call today! Our fully qualified rope access technicians know how to get the job done while ensuring minimal disturbance to your operations.

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