ISO Certified

Apex Facades, The Rope Access Specialists

Apex Facades specialises in providing rope access services in critical and difficult to reach environments. Our team has made a name for themselves as the go-to company for rope access jobs that at first glance seem impossible.

We utilise a range of techniques to ensure that our work is completed efficiently and safely. All of our operators are fully qualified and complete each job to Australian standards using our innovative rigging and rope techniques.

Minimising impact for your clients, tenants, residents and members of the public is key to our rope access planning. We often complete works without anyone knowing we were even there and it is our goal to complete works with a low profile.

The work our highly trained team undertake may seem like it is extremely dangerous. But the risk is mostly an illusion due to the stringent height safety precautions and methodical approach of our operators, who manage to ascend and descend effortlessly while completing tasks most of us would rather do with our feet planted firmly on solid ground.

Years of training and a process-driven approach to the job means that our industrial rope access technicians don’t need to rely on steely nerves to get the job done.

Whether you’re looking for a skyscraper abseiling company to clean your building’s facade or to move a grand piano into a penthouse contact Mitch or Andrew below to discuss your project today.

Office: 07 2111 7202

Why Use Rope Access?

Our Process

Apex Facades have years of experience working at heights in what others would call challenging environments. Safety and client satisfaction is valued above all else and our technicians always aim to ensure the job is done right the first time every time.

We employ a combination of innovative rope access and pulley techniques, our abseil operators ascend buildings safely and with minimal risk.

The team use a specialised suction cup placed on the glass allows the operators to move horizontally across the building in a safe way.

The technicians employ innovative rope and pulley systems to complete jobs with a low ground footprint that reduces impact neighbours and tenants.

Benefits of Rope Access Companies

Rope access using abseil, rigging and pulley techniques ensure that buildings with difficult roof access can be reached by the team.

Many buildings don’t have accessible ground for cherry pickers or cranes, due to uneven ground or troublesome access. These are the jobs where a rope access company can easily work from the roof to the ground.

Architectural buildings with abstract designs can pose access problems. Windows and walls can be in awkward corners or at difficult angles. A rope based system can manage these jobs with ease.

Further benefits can be found here: benefits of rope access

Facade maintenance or high rise glazing via rope access can also have financial benefits when compared to using larger machinery.

The initial investment of purchasing and then the maintenance of equipment can be expensive for the company who of course pass this on to the clients to ensure the company runs at a profit.

Utilising pulley and rig systems to lift or haul has a number of advantages on the ground too. The small equipment footprint and quick set up mean that disruption to your tenants and clients is minimal (if they even notice the team at all).

Our ability to set up and get the job done quickly quietly and safely has earned us the reputation of one of Australia’s premier rope access companies

Contact Mitch Or Andrew to discuss your project today.

Office: 07 2111 7202

Further Information

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