As a leading Australian company specialising in rope access and facade maintenance, Apex Facades understands the importance of looking after the exterior of your building. We see the vast difference it makes in improving the aesthetics of high-rises and how it helps to extend the life of buildings.

Neglecting facade maintenance can result in expensive repairs and compromise the safety of those in the building and surrounding area. Keeping on top of facade maintenance is vital to avoid injury and fix issues before they become serious problems.

5 areas of facade maintenance you shouldn’t ignore include: 


One of the most common issues we see with high-rise buildings is related to weatherproofing and sealing. High rise buildings are subjected to all kinds of weather conditions, and issues are often exacerbated by inexperienced contractors who aren’t experienced in building repairs. 

With many years of experience, the Apex Facade team can help you resolve leaks and ensure your building is weatherproof. Using the most innovative techniques and equipment, we’ll protect your building from all kinds of weather. 

At Apex Facades, we have moved away from vinyl glazing wedges and rubber to more modern, longer-lasting methods of structural sealing. Utilising the latest in structural sealing and concrete expansion joint sealing enables us to ensure a professional finish that will stand for decades.  


Cleaning your building’s facade isn’t only about making it look more aesthetically pleasing; it’s also about extending the service life of essential components such as glass, aluminium, concrete and painted surfaces. 

Cleaning is an essential part of facade maintenance. Over time, dirt, debris and other pollutants can build up on the surface of your building’s facade, leaving it dirty. Certain contaminants can also cause serious damage, including staining and corrosion. 

Regular cleaning will remove these contaminants and extend the life of your building. Apex Facades offers high-rise cleaning services that are safe and efficient, minimising facade deterioration. An ongoing maintenance schedule will ensure your building is always in great condition. 


Another critical aspect of facade maintenance you shouldn’t ignore is repairs. Annual facade inspections are essential, enabling us to identify areas of concern before they become expensive. Some common issues high rise buildings encounter include surface cracks, broken or cracked glass and other damage to the building’s facade. 

The Apex Facades team will check your building to see if it needs any repairs. Backed by independent facade engineers, we’ll provide a full facade audit and formulate strategies to mitigate any further deterioration or safety concerns. 


If it’s been more than 10 years since your building was painted, it’s time to invest in protecting the longevity of your property.  Over time, UV rays can make the paint on your building’s facade fade and peel, making it look old and unkempt. 

A freshly painted building helps to protect it from the elements and improve its appearance. It helps to extend the life of your building and withstand the harsh conditions of our Australian climate. 

Apex Facade has completed all types of high-rise painting projects, from repainting stadium scoreboards to complete building repaints. Our team is trade-qualified and offers Australian Standard adherent warranties on all of our work. 

High-rise window glazing

All high-rise windows get to a certain age where they become unsafe and need to be replaced. Old highrise windows must be replaced, but not every company is qualified for window glazing at heights. 

The Apex Facade team uses innovative rope access techniques, including rigs, pulleys and vacuum lifting equipment, to install and repair even the largest glass panels. Our tradesmen work safely and effectively with minimal interruption to your neighbours, even in the most challenging situations. 

Facade maintenance Australia – Apex Facades

Facade maintenance is crucial to building management and should never be ignored. Weatherproofing, cleaning, repairing, painting, and high-rise window glazing are all critical aspects of facade maintenance and are vital to protect the building and its occupants. 

Our team has the experience, skills and knowledge to carry out even the most challenging Australian facade maintenance projects. Contact us today to find out how we can help you maintain your building’s facade.  

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